Return and refund policy


  • Cancellation before dispatch is allowed.
  • Users can cancel orders before they are dispatched by GhadiyaliHouse.
  • Users will receive a unique tracking number for order status.
  • To cancel before dispatch, users can send a WhatsApp message with an order ID to +91 7304490090.
  • Refunds for cancellations before dispatch are initiated within 3 business days.


PARCEL OPENING VIDEO IS COMPULSORY. Without the parcel opening video, we will not entertain any claim.

1 Damage / Defective / Short Product
In case you receive a damaged or defective product, send us a parcel opening video highlighting the defect or damaged product & box label on this number. We will process the refund within 24 hours. You should report this issue within 24 hours of receiving the order.

2. In case, you don’t like the product
You can send it back to our warehouse and inform us about the same on our customer care whatsapp number +91 7304490090. You need to return the products in the same condition as you received within 7 days of receiving the order.

We will process the refund for the product value within 24 hours of receiving your order. Return shipping charges will not be refunded.


Any grievances relating to the Cancellation, Return, and Refund Policy may be directed by you to the grievance officer of GhadiyaliHouse who can be contacted on WhatsApp on the customer care team at 7304490090.